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From here you can jump to the site dedicated to the history and heraldry of the ancient families "de Judicibus" and "Giliberti". The site contains hundreds personages from X century till now. Site is in Italian language only.

Italian Heraldry

Italian Heraldry

Heraldry is the science that rules coats of arms. It is named out of heralds, whose original duty was to recognize the Arms of Knights at the gates of turneys, declaring in a loud shape and content.

Links Chosen for you

PagesLa controrivoluzione Genovese nel 1797 - The Genoese counter-revolution on September 1797  ITA
PagesStoria di Genova - History of Genoa from the origin to 1190  ITA
PagesThe Italian Genealogy Homepage - Italian genealogies  ITA ENG
PagesLa ricerca genealogica in Italia - Genealogical research in Italy  ITA
PagesRecherches généalogiques en France - Genealogical research in France  FRA (  ITA ENG DEU )
PagesCome ricercare i propri antenati - More than 350 references of Italian archives  ITA FRA ENG
PagesAnnuaire Généalogique Internet - Genealogical yearbook  FRA ENG
PagesThe Italian Genealogy Web Forum - Italian genealogy newsgroup  ITA ENG
Newsgroupsoc.genealogy.italian - Italian Genealogy and Family Heraldry  ITA ENG
Newsgroupsoc.genealogy.medieval - Medieval genealogy newsgroup  ENG
Newsgrouprec.heraldry - Heraldry newsgroup  ENG
Mailing ListPIE: POINTERS in E-mail - Italian genealogies and culture (sub-pie@jsoft.com)

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