English pages |
PeopleFew pages dedicated to my family and to my friends. My wife Silvia, my daughter Isabella, my parents and obviously something about me. |
HistoryOur roots are our greatest heritage. The history and genealogy of my family, the most important ancestors, the various branches, plus the family heraldry and few pages dedicated to the Italian Heraldry. |
ScienceLogic, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Psychology. Science was my first love and will always lie heavy in my heart. |
ArtsFor me Art is freedom to fly above schemes and rules, immune from judgements and criticisms. Art is creation. Photography, Graphic Arts and Music: other people's works that I like and a selection of my works. |
LiteratureThe Art of Word as expression of our own culture. Some poetry, songs and tales that I wrote. Few pages dedicated to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Comic Strips. |
Free TimeLet time flow upon you. Sports, tours and other funs: role play and board games. |